Audio Products

Audio Combo Pack
Enjoy all the laugh, tears and tales with this money saving combo pack!
Includes 6 audio files
Only $97.79

Embarrassing! (Pushed Into Purpose)
Ever had a mentor in your life kick your butt thoroughly, in a way that you absolutely hated yet absolutely needed? Here’s my story!
Only $10.00

True Story! (The Placebo Effect)
The power of the mind is absolute amazing. This module takes us into tapping into the limitless power of the human mind.
Only $20.00

I Almost Died! (Thrive)
I made a Decision to sacrifice my life for a greater purpose. Was it even worth it?? Here’s what happened.
Only $25.00

The Matrix! (The Story Behind The Series)
What if one day you were able to plug in and have a whole catalog of information downloaded to your brain — everything you ever wanted to know about a particular topic. What if I told you that it happened to me, and that the outcome could move your life forward in amazing ways… Curious?
Only $10.00

But Why?? (Moving With Intention)
Just know I ended up homeless. — How I got there, and how I got out, you may find to be food for your soul. Let’s feel good together.
Only $25.00

The Uncomfortable Truth (Poverty Mindset)
Wealthy people (and not so wealthy people) are not identified by the balance in their accounts but by the collective set of decisions they make. In fact they always choose….this (tune in to hear the secrets)!
Only $20.00
Rodney C. Burris
Get Off The Cycle and Run
Sometimes, breaking an old habit brings new success!
By: Rodney C Burris
Cycles represent the fixed-attitudes/personal-behaviors/intimate-relationships that may have been healthy for us at one point, but which have now become detrimental. As the old saying goes, “once you’ve learned how to ride a bike (cycle), you will never forget.” The same is true for any type of cycle in our lives.

Get Off The Cycle and Sprint
This is a digest version of the best-selling book, "Get Off The Cycle and RUN!"
By: Rodney C Burris
For a more robust dive into this world, check out the original title. For now, we sprint!
When I first wrote the book “Get Off The Cycle and RUN!”, I had no idea it would be so well-received. Truly, I was warmly overwhelmed by the responses to the shared within those pages. I took note of all of that feedback and have included many of those updates in later editions. One piece of feedback stood out for me. It goes as follows: An attorney called me one day. “Rodney, I love the book, I love the concept” he said. “I just wish I could get all of these nuggets in a digest version, so that I could get the benefit of the ideas within fewer pages.” Like a vision, I saw the whole new revised book: It was about a third of the size — a booklet, if you will. Many of the illustrious stories were taken out. Emphasis was placed on the tenets of each chapter. And on the front cover, the word “Run” was scratched out and replaced by the word Sprint….–To all my busy types out there: Here’s to you breaking cycles! Here’s to you changing your life! Here’s to you going into new horizons! May this book inspire to Get Off the Cycles that have held you with mediocre progress in your relationships and in your goals. Keep Running Sprinting!

Get Off The Cycle and Work
Work (n): mental or physical activity designed to achieve new and improved results
By: Rodney C Burris
Why the WORKBOOK…The original title, “Get Off the Cycle and RUN!” does a phenomenal job of feeding us new tools for soul growth. Here in this WORKBOOK, we are going to get some practice using those tools. You see, the term work implies that actions were taken to make some things different and hopefully better in our lives.In this sense, WORK happens when we take what we know and apply energy and effort to it, resulting in measurable & observable change.

Get Off The Cycle and Color! Your Mindset
The COLORING BOOK companion booklet for the best-selling self-improvement series, “GET OFF THE CYCLE And RUN!”
By: Rodney C Burris
Why COLORING is so THERAPEUTIC:Coloring is a form of art therapy. Art therapy allows us to turn off our mind for a moment and tap into our hearts:•In psychological terms, art therapy allows us to give our conscience a moment to rest, granting our subconscious a chance to be more expressive of deeper thoughts, while becoming more receptive to incoming corrective suggestions, such as the ones found within these pages.•In spiritual terms, it can be said that art therapy allows The Creator to commune with us directly on a soul-level, without the normal blocking and filtering that may come as a natural byproduct of our human experience.
In neurological terms, art therapy allows us to use the right-side of our brain, which is responsible for creativity, emotional-interpretation, intuition and meaning; the left-side of our brain is more analytical and is responsible for logic, mathematical operations and language. Whenever we take a moment to be expressive in a lighthearted and carefree way, we release the hidden blockages / concealed hurts / cloudy tangles that exist within all of us. Just as importantly, we must also remain mindful that when this releasing happens, we become very susceptible to innuendos, to injunctions, and to ideas — no matter how true, helpful, necessary or kind these suggestions might be. Therefore, it is exceptionally important that we refresh ourselves with empowering concepts that will shape the mentality we desire to have moving forward.This booklet is especially designed to do this.

Get Off The Cycle and Get Your Money! Right
The FINANCIAL FOCUSED booklet from the best-selling self-improvement series, “GET OFF THE CYCLE And RUN!
By: Rodney C Burris
This workbook is focused on improving our financial futures by understanding how our current habits and decisions impact our own access to money, in ways that we may (not) even be aware of. Each section gives investing, budgeting and resource-based knowledge — coupled with a personal stories — to demonstrate how things can actually play out in our lives. There are also several questions that allow you to delve deep into your own mindsets around spending.

The 5 Fast Features for Fixing Firms
Effective, budget-friendly tools for improving your organization.
By: Rodney C Burris
The 5 Fast Features for Fixing Firms is a collection of proven best practices, already organized into a simple, easy-to-digest formula, which will allow you to start NOW with improving your organization from YOUR position within the company – even if you are not the CEO! And the best part: many of these practices are FREE to implement! So, benefit from the fruit of our labor. Dive in. And begin implementing effective, budget-friendly tools for improving your organization, today!