Healing From Childhood Trauma

What's Behind the Smile of a Child
(that holds us back today)?

Using the ACES model as our framework, we identify helpful coping mechanisms for improved health and happiness at home and in the workplace.

Image of Rodney C. Burris as Infant

We often refer to these patterns of repeated returns to unhealthy habits as cycles

And many more of us are unaware of the coping habits we have refined over the years to help us deal with the negative effects of these experiences. Oftentimes, these coping habits are unhealthy, yet they are familiar, so many of us go back to these same cycles over and over again repeatedly, as a means to better our existence. We don’t realize that although helpful in minimizing an immediate experience, these habits can be counter productive to our greater life goals.

Many of us are unaware of our experienced childhood trauma we just view it as “normal”

Cycles represent the fixed-attitudes/personal-behaviors/intimate-relationships that may have been healthy for us at one point, but which have now become detrimental.

Image of Rodney C. Burris as Toddler in Suit

I CRIED for YEARS as a kid, But because my TEARS weren't visible, No one seemed to Notice; No one seemed to CARE

Image of Rodney C. Burris Young

We Need to Get Off Those Cycles and RUN!

If we have ever found ourselves working on the same project, week after week, month after month, year after year, yet still have little progress to show for the amount of effort and energy we’ve put in, then  our current approach to that project has us stuck on a cycle of non-productivity, and some major changes need to be made. — If most of the time we feel unhappy, tired, heavy, lethargic, unfulfilled, loathed-to-continue your day, loathed-to-start a new one, then our current conditions are currently looping us in an unhealthy feedback cycle, in which little is gained, little is lost, yet burdens abound.

By taking steps to heal from our past emotional wounds it is possible to find improved healing of our experiences here in the present.

With intention (from us) and with support (from our friends, employers), we can begin a journey that will ultimately result in healthier relationships, healthier habits, healthier bodies, and healthier work-life balance.

Image of Rodney C. Burris Teenager

If TWO (2) or more of these sounds like anybody you work with

then it is possible that they are dealing with un-discovered childhood trauma.

Known as ACES (Adverse Childhood Experiences), studies show that companies lose around $246 Billion annually, as a result of impacts of coworkers doing their best to cope with their unresolved childhood trauma.

246 BILLION DOLLARS. — That’s alot of money

The Truth Is

healing from Childhood Trauma is a lot simpler than we ever thought possible

Let Rodney show you cutting edge, industry tools that have proven effective in eliminating the stress on the workforce, improving happiness, saving money, and making profit, all at the same time!

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