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2006 - 2020

Working Together with a male college student group and Big Brothers Big Sisters, Rodney started a mentoring program for high school young men.
Rodney engaged neighborhood youth in Richnor Recycles, an event designed to educate neighbors about the coming change in trash & recycling pickup.

Working Together with community leaders from around York Rd, Rodney helped start YAY! It’s Friday!, a weekly youth activity housed at local churches, organized to give fun alternatives to York Rd area kids on a Friday evening.
Rodney, in conjunction with many other Baltimore leaders, helped implement another installment of the citywide “Men Reading in Schools” program for students.

Working Together with the youth organization, Young Men with Power, Rodney coached boys around issues of confidence and future manhood
Rodney launches Play Fit Stay Fit, an event for mothers and sons that promoted health, wellness and activity.

After the Riots, Rodney toured schools around the City, engaging students about their feelings and future outlook on the city
Created a video entitled “Make It Home Alive” to equip young people with the skills helpful when interacting with Law Enforcement.
Renovated the on-site service delivery of an after school program
Published inspirational best-seller, “Get Off the Cycle and RUN!”, launching a series and a brand for becoming different and better, in the process.

Contracted with the renowned FCA Chrysler to bring brand new employment opportunities to young mechanics for the northeastern region of the united states (virginia to maine).
Helped secure new school building for about 400 families.